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13.8: Laplace inverse

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Up to now we have computed the inverse Laplace transform by table lookup. For example, L1(1/(sa))=eat. To do this properly we should first check that the Laplace transform has an inverse.

We start with the bad news: Unfortunately this is not strictly true. There are many functions with the same Laplace transform. We list some of the ways this can happen.

  1. If f(t)=g(t) for t0, then clearly F(s)=G(s). Since the Laplace transform only concerns t0, the functions can differ completely for t<0.
  2. Suppose f(t)=eat and

g(t)={f(t) for t10 for t=1.

That is, f and g are the same except we arbitrarily assigned them different values at t=1. Then, since the integrals won’t notice the difference at one point, F(s)=G(s)=1/(sa). In this sense it is impossible to define L1(F) uniquely.

The good news is that the inverse exists as long as we consider two functions that only differ on a negligible set of points the same. In particular, we can make the following claim.

Theorem 13.8.1

Suppose f and g are continuous and F(s)=G(s) for all s with Re(s)>a for some a. Then f(t)=g(t) for t0.

This theorem can be stated in a way that includes piecewise continuous functions. Such a statement takes more care, which would obscure the basic point that the Laplace transform has a unique inverse up to some, for us, trivial differences.

We start with a few examples that we can compute directly.

Example 13.8.1







f(t)=12πic+iciF(s)est ds

The sum is over all poles of est/(sa). As usual, we only consider t>0.

Here, c>Re(a) and the integral means the path integral along the vertical line x=c.


Proving Equation 13.8.4 is straightforward: It is clear that


has only one pole which is at s=a. Since,


we have proved Equation 13.8.4.

Proving Equation 13.8.5 is more involved. We should first check the convergence of the integral. In this case, s=c+iy, so the integral is

12πic+iciF(s)est ds=12πie(c+iy)tc+iyai dy=ect2πeiytc+iya dy.

The (conditional) convergence of this integral follows using exactly the same argument as in the example near the end of Topic 9 on the Fourier inversion formula for f(t)=eat. That is, the integrand is a decaying oscillation, around 0, so its integral is also a decaying oscillation around some limiting value.

Now we use the contour shown below.

屏幕快照 2020-09-17 下午12.41.29.png

We will let R go to infinity and use the following steps to prove Equation 13.8.5.

  1. The residue theorem guarantees that if the curve is large enough to contain a then
    12πiC1C2C3+C4estsa ds=Res(estsa,a)=eat.
  2. In a moment we will show that the integrals over C2,C3,C4 all go to 0 as R.
  3. Clearly as R goes to infinity, the integral over C1 goes to the integral in Equation 13.8.5 Putting these steps together we have

eat=limRC1C2C3+C4estsa ds=c+iciestsa ds

Except for proving the claims in step 2, this proves Equation 13.8.5.

To verify step 2 we look at one side at a time.

C2: C2 is parametrized by s=γ(u)=u+iR, with Ruc. So,

|C2estsa ds|=cR|e(u+iR)tu+iRa|cReutR du=ecteRttR.

Since c and t are fixed, it’s clear this goes to 0 as R goes to infinity.

The bottom C4 is handled in exactly the same manner as the top C2.

C3: C3 is parametrized by s=γ(u)=R+iu, with RuR. So,

|C3estsa ds|=RR|e(R+iu)tR+iua|RReRtR+a du=eRtR+aRR du=2ReRtR+a.

Since a and t>0 are fixed, it’s clear this goes to 0 as R goes to infinity.

Example 13.8.2

Repeat the previous example with f(t)=t for t>0, F(s)=1/s2.

This is similar to the previous example. Since F decays like 1/s2 we can actually allow t0

Theorem 13.8.2 Laplace inversion 1

Assume f is continuous and of exponential type a. Then for c>a we have

f(t)=12πic+iciF(s)est ds.

As usual, this formula holds for t>0.


The proof uses the Fourier inversion formula. We will just accept this theorem for now. Example 13.8.1 above illustrates the theorem.

Theorem 13.8.3 Laplace inversion 2

Suppose F(s) has a finite number of poles and decays like 1/s (or faster). Define

f(t)=Res(F(s)est,pk), where the sum is over all the poles pk.

Then L(f;s)=F(s)


Proof given in class. To be added here. The basic ideas are present in the examples above, though it requires a fairly clever choice of contours.

The integral inversion formula in Equation 13.8.13 can be viewed as writing f(t) as a ‘sum’ of exponentials. This is extremely useful. For example, for a linear system if we know how the system responds to input f(t)=eat for all a, then we know how it responds to any input by writing it as a ‘sum’ of exponentials.

This page titled 13.8: Laplace inverse is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Jeremy Orloff (MIT OpenCourseWare) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform.

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