( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)
Solve x′(t)=[1345]x(t)
Step 1: Find eigenvalues:
Thus λ=7,−1
Step 2: Find eigenvectors:
We then see that [−634−2][12]=[00]. So the dimension of the nullspace of [−634−2] is 1 .
Or in other words, solution space for [−634−2][x1x2]=[00] is 1-dimensional.
Thus a basis for the eigenspace for λ=7 is {[12]}
Similar to above [2346][3−2]=[00]. Thus a basis for the eigenspace for λ=−1 is {[3−2]}
Thus a basis for the solution space to x′=[1345]x is
Hence the general solution is
Note we can take any basis for the solution space to create the general solution
Alternate basis: {[24]e7t,[−96]e−t}
Alternate format of general solution:
Solve the initial value problem x′=[1345]x,x(0)=[ef]
IVP: x′=[1345]x,x(0)=[ef][ef]=c1[12]+c2[3−2]=[c1+3c22c1−2c2]
Solve using any method you like. We will use matrix form:
Solution exists if Wronskian evaluated at 0 is not zero.
Fundamental matrix: Ψ(t)=[e7t3e−t2e7t−2e−t]
Back to IVP: [ef]=[132−2][c1c2]
Thus [c1c2]=[132−2]−1[ef]
But I would prefer a fundamental matrix whose inverse is easier to calculate, at least when t0=0.
Thus we will find another basis for the solution set to x′=Ax so that the corresponding fundamental matrix Φ has the property that Φ(0)=[1001], the 2x2 identity matrix via long method:
Step 1: Solve IVP: x′=Ax,x(0)=[10]
[10]=c1[12]e0+c2[3−2]e0=[132−2][c1c2][10]=[132−2][c1c2] implies [c1c2]=[132−2]−1[10](−18)[−2−3−21][132−2]=[1001]
Thus IVP solution where x(0)=[10] is
Step 2: Solve IVP: x′=Ax,x(0)=[01]
Thus [c1c2]=[143814−18][01]=[38−18]
Thus IVP solution where x(0)=[01] is
Thus another basis for the solution space to x′=[1345]x
is {[14e7t+34e−t12e7t−12e−t],[38e7t−38e−t34e7t+14e−t]}
Its corresponding fundamental matrix is
Thus to solve IVP where x(t0)=[ef], we solve
When t0=0. I.e., we have an IVP where x(0)=[ef]
which simplifies to
In other words, c1=e and c2=f.
The Matrix Exponential
Let A be an n×n matrix. Then the matrix exponential of A is
where I is the n×n identity matrix.
Thus [eAt]′=AeAt and eA(0)=I. Thus eAt is the solution to the IVP M′=AM,M(0)=I where M is an n×n matrix.
Let Ψ be a fundamental matrix for x′=Ax
Suppose Ψ is the 2×2 matrix [f1f2].
Thus f1 and f2 are solutions to x′=Ax.
Hence f1′=Af1 and f2′=Af2
Thus A[f1f2]=
Since [f1f2]′=A[f1f2],Ψ(t)=[f1(t)f2(t)] is the general solution to M′=AM.
Let Φ(t)=Ψ(t)[Ψ(0)]−1. Then Φ(0)=Ψ(0)[Ψ(0)]−1=I.
Note Φ(t)=Ψ(t)[Ψ(0)]−1 is also a solution to M′=AM :
Thus Φ is the solution to the IVP
Since solution to IVP is unique (assuming entries of A are continuous functions), Φ=eAt
eAt=Φ(t)=Ψ(t)[Ψ(0)]−1 where Ψ is a fundamental matrix for x′=Ax
Calculate exp([1345]t):=e[1345]t
Solve x′(t)=[1345]x(t)
From previous work, the general solution is
Thus a fundamental matrix is Ψ(t)=[e7t3e−t2e7t−2e−t]
A "better" fundamental matrix is Φ(t)=Ψ(t)[Ψ(0)]−1
Ψ(0)=[132−2]. Thus [Ψ(0)]−1=[132−2]−1=(−18)[−2−3−21]Φ(t)=Ψ(t)[Ψ(0)]−1=(−18)[e7t3e−t2e7t−2e−t][−2−3−21]=[14e7t+34e−t38e7t−38e−t12e7t−12e−t34e7t+14e−t]
Thus exp([1345]t)=e[1345]t=[14e7t+34e−t38e7t−38e−t12e7t−12e−t34e7t+14e−t]
Solve IVP:x′=Ax,x(0)=e
Observe if Φ(t)=[f1f2], then general solution is
If eAt=Φ(t)=Ψ(t)[Ψ(0)]−1 where Ψ is a fundamental matrix for x′=Ax
or equivalently, if Φ is the solution to IVP M′=AM,M(0)=I, Then solution to IVP x′=Ax,x(0)=e is x=Φe
Solve IVP: x′(t)=[1345]x(t),x(0)=[1792]
That is, x=17[14e7t+34e−t12e7t−12e−t]+92[38e7t−38e−t34e7t+14e−t]
Note: This only works if you use the fundamental matrix Φ(t) where Φ(0)=I.