4: Appendices Last updated Oct 24, 2021 Save as PDF 3.8: Optional— Integrals in General Coordinates A: Appendices Page ID89220 Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer and Elyse YeagerUniversity of British Columbia ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) A: AppendicesA.1: TrigonometryA.2: Powers and LogarithmsA.3: Table of DerivativesA.4: Table of IntegralsA.5: Table of Taylor ExpansionsA.6: 3-D Coordinate SystemsA.7: ISO Coordinate System NotationA.8: Conic Sections and Quadric SurfacesB: Hints for ExercisesC: Answers to ExercisesD: Solutions to Exercises