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6.1: Ordinary Points

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If x0 is an ordinary point of (6.1), then it is possible to determine two power series (i.e., Taylor series) solutions for y=y(x) centered at x=x0. We illustrate the method of solution by solving two examples, with x0=0.

Example 6.1.1

Find the general solution of y+y=0.


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By now, you should know that the general solution is y(x)=a0cosx+a1sinx, with a0 and a1 constants. To find a power series solution about the point x0=0, we write y(x)=n=0anxn; and upon differentiating term-by-term y(x)=n=1nanxn1, and y(x)=n=2n(n1)anxn2.

Substituting the power series for y and its derivatives into the differential equation to be solved, we obtain n=2n(n1)anxn2+n=0anxn=0.

The power-series solution method requires combining the two sums on the left-hand-side of (???) into a single power series in x. To shift the exponent of xn2 in the first sum upward by two to obtain xn, we need to shift the summation index downward by two; that is, n=2n(n1)anxn2=n=0(n+2)(n+1)an+2xn.

We can then combine the two sums in (???) to obtain n=0((n+2)(n+1)an+2+an)xn=0.

For (???) to be satisfied, the coefficient of each power of x must vanish separately. (This can be proved by setting x=0 after successive differentiation.) We therefore obtain the recurrence relation an+2=an(n+2)(n+1),n=0,1,2,

We observe that even and odd coefficients decouple. We thus obtain two independent sequences starting with first term a0 or a1. Developing these sequences, we have for the sequence beginning with a0:

a0,a2=12a0,a4=143a2=1432a0,a6=165a4=16!a0; and the general coefficient in this sequence for n=0,1,2, is a2n=(1)n(2n)!a0.

Also, for the sequence beginning with a1:

a1,a3=132a1,a5=154a3=15432a1,a7=176a5=17!a1; and the general coefficient in this sequence for n=0,1,2, is a2n+1=(1)n(2n+1)!a1.

Using the principle of superposition, the general solution is therefore y(x)=a0n=0(1)n(2n)!x2n+a1n=0(1)n(2n+1)!x2n+1=a0(1x22!+x44!)+a1(xx33!+x55!)=a0cosx+a1sinx, as expected.

In our next example, we will solve the Airy’s Equation. This differential equation arises in the study of optics, fluid mechanics, and quantum mechanics.

Example 6.1.2: Airy’s Equation

Find the general solution of yxy=0.


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With y(x)=n=0anxn, the differential equation becomes n=2n(n1)anxn2n=0anxn+1=0.

We shift the first sum to xn+1 by shifting the exponent up by three, i.e., n=2n(n1)anxn2=n=1(n+3)(n+2)an+3xn+1.

When combining the two sums in (???), we separate out the extra n=1 term in the first sum given by 2a2. Therefore, (???) becomes 2a2+n=0((n+3)(n+2)an+3an)xn+1=0.

Setting coefficients of powers of x to zero, we first find a2=0, and then obtain the recursion relation an+3=1(n+3)(n+2)an.

Three sequences of coefficients—those starting with either a0,a1 or a2—decouple. In particular the three sequences are a0,a3,a6,a9,;a1,a4,a7,a10,;a2,a5,a8,a11

Since a2=0, we find immediately for the last sequence a2=a5=a8=a11==0.

We compute the first four nonzero terms in the power series with coefficients corresponding to the first two sequences. Starting with a0, we have a0,a3=132a0,a6=16532a0,a9=1986532a0; and starting with a1, a1,a4=143a1,a7=17643a1,a10=11097643a1.

The general solution for y=y(x), can therefore be written as y(x)=a0(1+x36+x6180+x912960+)+a1(x+x412+x7504+x1045360+)=a0y0(x)+a1y1(x).

Suppose we would like to graph the solutions y=y0(x) and y=y1(x) versus x by solving the differential equation yxy=0 numerically. What initial conditions should we use? Clearly, y=y0(x) solves the ode with initial values y(0)=1 and y(0)=0, while y=y1(x) solves the ode with initial values y(0)=0 and y(0)=1.

The numerical solutions, obtained using MATLAB, are shown in Fig. 6.1.1. Note that the solutions oscillate for negative x and grow exponentially for positive x. This can be understood by recalling that y+y=0 has oscillatory sine and cosine solutions and yy=0 has exponential hyperbolic sine and cosine solutions.

Figure 6.1.1: Numerical solution of Airy's equation.

This page titled 6.1: Ordinary Points is shared under a CC BY 3.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Jeffrey R. Chasnov via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform.

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