Scientific Computing (Staab)
This page is a draft and is under active development.
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Solving problems is the essence of scientific computing. Many problems arise naturally from the sciences or mathematics and often to solve difficult problem relies on some computing resources. In a nutshell, this text is the blend of science, mathematics and computer science needed to solve problems. The intended audience for this text one who is interested in writing computer code that will solve a problem that you have.
Front Matter
1: Introduction to Scientific Computing
2: Storing number and strings and using Julia syntax
3: Introduction to Data Types
4: Introduction to Functions
5: Boolean Statements, Loops and Branching
6: Arrays
7: Functional Programming and an Introduction to Writing fast code
8: Number theory and Algorithm Development
9: Algorithm Analysis
10: Solving Quadratics and Rootfinding
11: Plotting Data and Functions
Back Matter
Thumbnail: A three-dimensional surface plot of the unnormalized sinc function. (Public Domain; via Wikipedia)