3.E: Identities (Exercises)
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3.1 Exercises
3.1.1 We showed that sinθ = ±√1 − cos2θ for all θ. Give an example of an angle θ such that sinθ = −√1 − cos2θ.
3.1.2 We showed that cosθ = ±√1 − sin2θ for all θ. Give an example of an angle θ such that cosθ = −√1 − sin2θ.
3.1.3 Suppose that you are given a system of two equations of the following form:
Acosϕ = Bν1 − Bν2cosθAsinϕ = Bν2sinθ .
Show that A2 = B2(ν21 + ν22 − 2ν1ν2cosθ ).
For Exercises 4-16, prove the given identity.
3.1.4 cosθ tanθ = sinθ
3.1.5 sinθ cotθ = cosθ
3.1.6 tanθcotθ = tan2θ
3.1.7 cscθsinθ = csc2θ
3.1.8 cos2θ1 + sinθ = 1 − sinθ
3.1.9 1 − 2cos2θsinθ cosθ = tanθ − cotθ
3.1.10 sin4θ − cos4θ = sin2θ − cos2θ
3.1.11 cos4θ − sin4θ = 1 − 2sin2θ
3.1.12 1 − tanθ1 + tanθ = cotθ − 1cotθ + 1
3.1.13 tanθ + tanϕcotθ + cotϕ = tanθ tanϕ
3.1.14 sin2θ1 − sin2θ = tan2θ
3.1.15 1 − tan2θ1 − cot2θ = 1 − sec2θ
3.1.16 sinθ = ±tanθ√1 + tan2θ (Hint: Solve for sin2θ in Exercise 14.)
3.1.17 Sometimes identities can be proved by geometrical methods. For example, to prove the identity in Exercise 16, draw an acute angle θ in QI and pick the point (1,y) on its terminal side, as in Figure 3.1.2. What must y equal? Use that to prove the identity for acute θ. Explain the adjustment(s) you would need to make in Figure 3.1.2 to prove the identity for θ in the other quadrants. Does the identity hold if θ is on either axis?

3.1.18 Similar to Exercise 16 , find an expression for cosθ solely in terms of tanθ.
3.1.19 Find an expression for tanθ solely in terms of sinθ, and one solely in terms of cosθ.
3.1.20 Suppose that a point with coordinates (x,y)=(a(cosψ−ϵ),a√1−ϵ2 sinψ) is a distance r>0 from the origin, where a>0 and 0<ϵ<1. Use r2=x2+y2 to show that r=a(1−ϵcosψ).\\(Note: These coordinates arise in the study of elliptical orbits of planets.)
3.1.21 Show that each trigonometric function can be put in terms of the sine function.
3.2 Exercises
3.2.1 Verify the addition formulas 3.12 and 3.13 for A=B=0∘.
For Exercises 2 and 3, find the exact values of sin(A+B), cos(A+B), and tan(A+B).
3.2.2 sinA=817, cosA=1517, sinB=2425,
3.2.3 sinA=4041, cosA=941, sinB=2029,
3.2.4 Use 75∘=45∘+30∘ to find the exact value of sin75∘.
3.2.5 Use 15∘=45∘−30∘ to find the exact value of tan15∘.
3.2.6 Prove the identity sinθ+cosθ=√2sin(θ+45∘). Explain why this shows that
−√2 ≤ sinθ + cosθ ≤ √2
for all angles θ. For which θ between 0∘ and 360∘ would sinθ+cosθ be the largest?
For Exercises 7-14, prove the given identity.
3.2.7 cos(A+B+C)=cosA cosB cosC−cosA sinB sinC−sinA cosB sinC−sinA sinB cosC
3.2.8 tan(A+B+C) = tanA+tanB+tanC−tanA tanB tanC1−tanB tanC−tanA tanC−tanA tanB
3.2.9 cot(A+B) = cotA cotB−1cotA+cotB
3.2.10 cot(A−B) = cotA cotB+1cotB−cotA
3.2.11 tan(θ+45∘) = 1+tanθ1−tanθ
3.2.12 cos(A+B)sinA cosB = cotA−tanB
3.2.13 cotA + cotB = sin(A+B)sinA sinB
3.2.14 sin(A−B)sin(A+B) = cotB−cotAcotB+cotA
3.2.15 Generalize Exercise 6: For any a and b, −√a2+b2≤asinθ+bcosθ≤√a2+b2 for all θ.
3.2.16 Continuing Example 3.12, use Snell's law to show that the s-polarization transmission Fresnel coefficient
t12s = 2n1 cosθ1n1 cosθ1 + n2 cosθ2
can be written as:
t12s = 2cosθ1 sinθ2sin(θ2+θ1)
3.2.17 Suppose that two lines with slopes m1 and m2, respectively, intersect at an angle θ and are not perpendicular (i.e. θ≠90∘), as in the figure on the right. Show that
tanθ = |m1 − m21 + m1m2| .
(Hint: Use Example 1.26 from Section 1.5.)
3.2.18 Use Exercise 17 to find the angle between the lines y=2x+3 and y=−5x−4.
3.2.19 For any triangle △ABC, show that cotA cotB + cotB cotC + cotC cotA = 1.
(Hint: Use Exercise 9 and C=180∘−(A+B).)
3.2.20 For any positive angles A, B, and C such that A+B+C=90∘, show that
tanA tanB + tanB tanC + tanC tanA = 1 .
3.2.21 Prove the identity sin(A+B) cosB − cos(A+B) sinB = sinA. Note that the right side depends only on A, while the left side depends on both A and B.
3.2.22 A line segment of length r>0 from the origin to the point (x,y) makes an angle α with the positive x-axis, so that (x,y)=(rcosα,rsinα), as in the figure below. What are the endpoint's new coordinates (x′,y′) after a counterclockwise rotation by an angle β? Your answer should be in terms of r, α, and β.
3.3 Exercises
For Exercises 1-8, prove the given identity.
3.3.1 cos3θ = 4cos3θ − 3cosθ
3.3.2 tan12θ = cscθ − cotθ
3.3.3 sin2θsinθ − cos2θcosθ = secθ
3.3.4 sin3θsinθ − cos3θcosθ = 2
3.3.5 tan2θ = 2cotθ−tanθ
3.3.6 tan3θ = 3tanθ−tan3θ1−3tan2θ
3.3.7 tan212θ = tanθ−sinθtanθ+sinθ
3.3.8 cos2ψcos2θ = 1+cos2ψ1+cos2θ
3.3.9 Some trigonometry textbooks used to claim incorrectly that sinθ + cosθ = √1+sin2θ was an identity. Give an example of a specific angle θ that would make that equation false. Is sinθ + cosθ = ±√1+sin2θ an identity? Justify your answer.
3.3.10 Fill out the rest of the table below for the angles 0∘<θ<720∘ in increments of 90∘, showing θ, 12θ, and the signs (+ or −) of sinθ and tan12θ.
3.3.11 In general, what is the largest value that sinθ cosθ can take? Justify your answer.
For Exercises 12-17, prove the given identity for any right triangle △ABC with C=90∘.
3.3.12 sin(A−B) = cos2B
3.3.13 cos(A−B) = sin2A
3.3.14 sin2A = 2abc2
3.3.15 cos2A = b2−a2c2
3.3.16 tan2A = 2abb2−a2
3.3.17 tan12A = c−ba = ac+b
3.3.18 Continuing Exercise 20 from Section 3.1, it can be shown that
r(1−cosθ) = a(1+ϵ)(1−cosψ) , andr(1+cosθ) = a(1−ϵ)(1+cosψ) ,
where θ and ψ are always in the same quadrant. Show that tan12θ = √1+ϵ1−ϵ tan12ψ.
3.4 Exercises
3.4.1 Prove formula 3.38.
3.4.2 Prove formula 3.39.
3.4.3 Prove formula 3.40.
3.4.4 Prove formula 3.41.
3.4.5 Prove formula 3.42.
3.4.6 Prove formula 3.44.
3.4.7 Prove Mollweide's second equation: For any triangle △ABC, a+bc = cos12(A−B)sin12C.
3.4.8 Continuing Example 3.21, use Snell's law to show that the p-polarization reflection Fresnel coefficient
r12p = n2 cosθ1 − n1 cosθ2n2 cosθ1 + n1 cosθ2
can be written as:
r12p = tan(θ1−θ2)tan(θ1+θ2)
3.4.9 There is a more general form for the instantaneous power p(t)=v(t)i(t) in an electrical circuit than the one in Example 3.22. The voltage v(t) and current i(t) can be given by
v(t) = Vmcos(ωt+θ) ,i(t) = Imcos(ωt+ϕ) ,
where θ is called the phase angle. Show that p(t) can be written as
p(t) = 12VmImcos(θ−ϕ) + 12VmImcos(2ωt+θ+ϕ) .
For Exercises 10-15, prove the given identity or inequality for any triangle △ABC.
3.4.10 sinA+sinB+sinC = 4cos12A cos12B cos12C (Hint: Mimic Example 3.18 using (sinA+sinB)+(sinC−sin(A+B+C)).)
3.4.11 cosA+cos(B−C) = 2sinB sinC
3.4.12 sin2A+sin2B+sin2C = 4sinA sinB sinC (Hints: Group sin2B and sin2C together, use the double-angle formula for sin2A, use Exercise 11.)
3.4.13 a−ba+b = sinA−sinBsinA+sinB
3.4.14 cos12A = √s(s−a)bc and sin12A = √(s−b)(s−c)bc, \;where s=12(a+b+c)$ (Hint: Use the Law of Cosines to show that 2bc(1+cosA) = 4s(s−a).)
3.4.15 12(sinA+sinB) ≤ sin12(A+B) (Hint: Show that sin12(A+B)−12(sinA+sinB)≥0.)
3.4.16 In Example 3.20, which angles A, B, C give the maximum value of cosA+cosB+cosC?