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13.3: The Other Trigonometric Functions

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Learning Objectives

  • Find exact values of the trigonometric functions secant, cosecant, tangent, and cotangent of π3, π4, and π6.
  • Use reference angles to evaluate the trigonometric functions secant, tangent, and cotangent.
  • Use properties of even and odd trigonometric functions.
  • Recognize and use fundamental identities.
  • Evaluate trigonometric functions with a calculator.

A wheelchair ramp that meets the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act must make an angle with the ground whose tangent is 112 or less, regardless of its length. A tangent represents a ratio, so this means that for every 1 inch of rise, the ramp must have 12 inches of run. Trigonometric functions allow us to specify the shapes and proportions of objects independent of exact dimensions. We have already defined the sine and cosine functions of an angle. Though sine and cosine are the trigonometric functions most often used, there are four others. Together they make up the set of six trigonometric functions. In this section, we will investigate the remaining functions.

Finding Exact Values of the Trigonometric Functions Secant, Cosecant, Tangent, and Cotangent

To define the remaining functions, we will once again draw a unit circle with a point (x,y) corresponding to an angle of t,as shown in Figure 13.3.1. As with the sine and cosine, we can use the (x,y) coordinates to find the other functions.

This image is a graph of circle with angle of t inscribed and a radius of 1. Point of (x, y) is at intersection of terminal side of angle and edge of circle.
Figure 13.3.1

The first function we will define is the tangent. The tangent of an angle is the ratio of the y-value to the x-value of the corresponding point on the unit circle. In Figure 13.3.1, the tangent of angle t is equal to yx,x0. Because the y-value is equal to the sine of t, and the x-value is equal to the cosine of t, the tangent of angle t can also be defined as sintcost,cost0. The tangent function is abbreviated as tan. The remaining three functions can all be expressed as reciprocals of functions we have already defined.

  • The secant function is the reciprocal of the cosine function. In Figure 13.3.1, the secant of angle t is equal to 1cost=1x,x0. The secant function is abbreviated as sec.
  • The cotangent function is the reciprocal of the tangent function. In Figure 13.3.1, the cotangent of angle t is equal to costsint=xy,y0. The cotangent function is abbreviated as cot.
  • The cosecant function is the reciprocal of the sine function. In Figure 13.3.1, the cosecant of angle t is equal to 1sint=1y,y0. The cosecant function is abbreviated as csc.


If t is a real number and (x,y) is a point where the terminal side of an angle of t radians intercepts the unit circle, then


Example 13.3.1: Finding Trigonometric Functions from a Point on the Unit Circle

The point (32,12) is on the unit circle, as shown in Figure 13.3.2. Find sint,cost,tant,sect,csct, and cott.

This is an image of a graph of circle with angle of t inscribed and with radius 1. Point of (negative square root of 3 over 2, 1/2) is at intersection of terminal side of angle and edge of circle.
Figure 13.3.2


Because we know the (x,y) coordinates of the point on the unit circle indicated by angle t, we can use those coordinates to find the six functions:


Exercise 13.3.1:

The point (22,22) is on the unit circle, as shown in Figure 13.3.3. Find sint,cost,tant,sect,csct, and cott.

This is an image of a graph of circle with angle of t inscribed with radius 1. Point of (square root of 2 over 2, negative square root of 2 over 2) is at intersection of terminal side of angle and edge of circle.
Figure 13.3.3



Example 13.3.2: Finding the Trigonometric Functions of an Angle

Find sint,cost,tant,sect,csct, and cott when t=π6.


We have previously used the properties of equilateral triangles to demonstrate that sinπ6=12 and cosπ6=32. We can use these values and the definitions of tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent as functions of sine and cosine to find the remaining function values.


Exercise 13.3.2:

Find sint,cost,tant,sect,csct, and cott when t=π3.



Because we know the sine and cosine values for the common first-quadrant angles, we can find the other function values for those angles as well by setting x x equal to the cosine and y y equal to the sine and then using the definitions of tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent. The results are shown in Table 13.3.1.

Table 13.3.1
Angle 0 π6, or 30° π4, or 45° π3, or 60° π2, or 90°
Cosine 1 32 22 12 0
Sine 0 12 22 32 1
Tangent 0 33 1 3 Undefined
Secant 1 233 2 2 Undefined
Cosecant Undefined 2 2 233 1
Cotangent Undefined 3 1 33 0

Using Reference Angles to Evaluate Tangent, Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent

We can evaluate trigonometric functions of angles outside the first quadrant using reference angles as we have already done with the sine and cosine functions. The procedure is the same: Find the reference angle formed by the terminal side of the given angle with the horizontal axis. The trigonometric function values for the original angle will be the same as those for the reference angle, except for the positive or negative sign, which is determined by x- and y-values in the original quadrant. Figure 13.3.4 shows which functions are positive in which quadrant.

To help us remember which of the six trigonometric functions are positive in each quadrant, we can use the mnemonic phrase “A Smart Trig Class.” Each of the four words in the phrase corresponds to one of the four quadrants, starting with quadrant I and rotating counterclockwise. In quadrant I, which is “A,” all of the six trigonometric functions are positive. In quadrant II, “Smart,” only sine and its reciprocal function, cosecant, are positive. In quadrant III, “Trig,” only tangent and its reciprocal function, cotangent, are positive. Finally, in quadrant IV, “Class,” only cosine and its reciprocal function, secant, are positive.

This image is a graph of circle with each quadrant labeled. Under quadrant I, labels for sin t, cos t, tan t, sec t, csc t, and cot t. Under quadrant II, labels for sin t and csc t. Under quadrant III, labels for tan t and cot t. Under quadrant IV, labels for cos t, sec t.
Figure 13.3.4

HOWTO: Given an angle not in the first quadrant, use reference angles to find all six trigonometric functions

  1. Measure the angle formed by the terminal side of the given angle and the horizontal axis. This is the reference angle.
  2. Evaluate the function at the reference angle.
  3. Observe the quadrant where the terminal side of the original angle is located. Based on the quadrant, determine whether the output is positive or negative.

Example 13.3.3: Using Reference Angles to Find Trigonometric Functions

Use reference angles to find all six trigonometric functions of 5π6.


The angle between this angle’s terminal side and the x-axis is π6, so that is the reference angle. Since 5π6 is in the third quadrant, where both x and y are negative, cosine, sine, secant, and cosecant will be negative, while tangent and cotangent will be positive.


Exercise 13.3.3

Use reference angles to find all six trigonometric functions of 7π4.




Using Even and Odd Trigonometric Functions

To be able to use our six trigonometric functions freely with both positive and negative angle inputs, we should examine how each function treats a negative input. As it turns out, there is an important difference among the functions in this regard.

Consider the function f(x)=x2, shown in Figure 13.3.5. The graph of the function is symmetrical about the y-axis. All along the curve, any two points with opposite x-values have the same function value. This matches the result of calculation: (4)2=(4)2,(5)2=(5)2, and so on. So f(x)=x2 is an even function, a function such that two inputs that are opposites have the same output. That means f(x)=f(x).

This is an image of a graph of and upward facing parabola with points (-2, 4) and (2, 4) labeled.
Figure 13.3.5: The function f(x)=x2 is an even function.

Now consider the function f(x)=x3, shown in Figure 13.3.6. The graph is not symmetrical about the y-axis. All along the graph, any two points with opposite x-values also have opposite y-values. So f(x)=x3 is an odd function, one such that two inputs that are opposites have outputs that are also opposites. That means f(x)=f(x).

This is an image of a graph of the function f of x = x to the third power with labels for points (-1, -1) and (1, 1).
Figure 13.3.6: The function f(x)=x3 is an odd function.

We can test whether a trigonometric function is even or odd by drawing a unit circle with a positive and a negative angle, as in Figure 13.3.7. The sine of the positive angle is y. The sine of the negative angle is −y. The sine function, then, is an odd function. We can test each of the six trigonometric functions in this fashion. The results are shown in Table 13.3.2.

Graph of circle with angle of t and -t inscribed. Point of (x, y) is at intersection of terminal side of angle t and edge of circle. Point of (x, -y) is at intersection of terminal side of angle -t and edge of circle.
Figure 13.3.7
Table 13.3.2
sint=ysin(t)=ysintsin(t) cost=xcos(t)=xcost=cos(t) tan(t)=yxtan(t)=yxtanttan(t)
sect=1xsec(t)=1xsect=sec(t) csct=1ycsc(t)=1ycsctcsc(t) cott=xycot(t)=xycottcot(t)


  • An even function is one in which f(x)=f(x).
  • An odd function is one in which f(x)=f(x).

Cosine and secant are even:


Sine, tangent, cosecant, and cotangent are odd:


Example 13.3.4: Using Even and Odd Properties of Trigonometric Functions

If the secant of angle t is 2, what is the secant of t?


Secant is an even function. The secant of an angle is the same as the secant of its opposite. So if the secant of angle t is 2, the secant of t is also 2.

Exercise 13.3.4:

If the cotangent of angle t is 3, what is the cotangent of t?



Recognizing and Using Fundamental Identities

We have explored a number of properties of trigonometric functions. Now, we can take the relationships a step further, and derive some fundamental identities. Identities are statements that are true for all values of the input on which they are defined. Usually, identities can be derived from definitions and relationships we already know. For example, the Pythagorean Identity we learned earlier was derived from the Pythagorean Theorem and the definitions of sine and cosine.


We can derive some useful identities from the six trigonometric functions. The other four trigonometric functions can be related back to the sine and cosine functions using these basic relationships:





Example 13.3.5: Using Identities to Evaluate Trigonometric Functions

  1. Given sin(45°)=22,cos(45°)=22, evaluate tan(45°).
  2. Given sin(5π6)=12,cos(5π6)=32, evaluate sec(5π6).


Because we know the sine and cosine values for these angles, we can use identities to evaluate the other functions.

  1. tan(45°)=sin(45°)cos(45°)=2222=1
  2. sec(5π6)=1cos(5π6)=132=231=23=233

Exercise 13.3.5

Evaluate csc(7π6).



Example 13.3.6: Using Identities to Simplify Trigonometric Expressions

Simplify secttant.


We can simplify this by rewriting both functions in terms of sine and cosine.

secttant=1/costsint/costTo divide the functions, we multiply by the reciprocal.=1costcostsintDivide out the cosines.=1sintSimplify and use the identity.=csct

By showing that secttant can be simplified to csct,we have, in fact, established a new identity.


Exercise 13.3.6

Simplify (tant)(cost).



Alternate Forms of the Pythagorean Identity

We can use these fundamental identities to derive alternative forms of the Pythagorean Identity, cos2t+sin2t=1. One form is obtained by dividing both sides by cos2t:


The other form is obtained by dividing both sides by sin2t:





Example 13.3.7: Using Identities to Relate Trigonometric Functions

If cos(t)=1213 cos(t)=1213 and t t is in quadrant IV, as shown in Figure 13.3.8, find the values of the other five trigonometric functions.

This is an image of graph of circle with angle of t inscribed. Point of (12/13, y) is at intersection of terminal side of angle and edge of circle.
Figure 13.3.8


We can find the sine using the Pythagorean Identity, cos2t+sin2t=1, and the remaining functions by relating them to sine and cosine.


The sign of the sine depends on the y-values in the quadrant where the angle is located. Since the angle is in quadrant IV, where the y-values are negative, its sine is negative, 513.

The remaining functions can be calculated using identities relating them to sine and cosine.


Exercise 13.3.7:

If sec(t)=178 and 0<t<π, find the values of the other five functions.




As we discussed in the chapter opening, a function that repeats its values in regular intervals is known as a periodic function. The trigonometric functions are periodic. For the four trigonometric functions, sine, cosine, cosecant and secant, a revolution of one circle, or 2π,will result in the same outputs for these functions. And for tangent and cotangent, only a half a revolution will result in the same outputs.

Other functions can also be periodic. For example, the lengths of months repeat every four years. If x x represents the length time, measured in years, and f(x) represents the number of days in February, then f(x+4)=f(x). This pattern repeats over and over through time. In other words, every four years, February is guaranteed to have the same number of days as it did 4 years earlier. The positive number 4 is the smallest positive number that satisfies this condition and is called the period. A period is the shortest interval over which a function completes one full cycle—in this example, the period is 4 and represents the time it takes for us to be certain February has the same number of days.


The period P of a repeating function f f is the number representing the interval such that f(x+P)=f(x) for any value of x.

The period of the cosine, sine, secant, and cosecant functions is 2π.

The period of the tangent and cotangent functions is π.

Example 13.3.8: Finding the Values of Trigonometric Functions

Find the values of the six trigonometric functions of angle t based on Figure 13.3.9 .

This is an image of a graph of circle with angle of t inscribed. Point of (1/2, negative square root of 3 over 2) is at intersection of terminal side of angle and edge of circle.
Figure 13.3.9



Exercise 13.3.8

Find the values of the six trigonometric functions of angle t based on Figure 13.3.10.

This is an image of a graph of circle with angle of t inscribed. Point of (0, -1) is at intersection of terminal side of angle and edge of circle.
Figure 13.3.10



Example 13.3.9: Finding the Value of Trigonometric Functions

If sin(t)=32 and cos(t)=12,find sec(t),csc(t),tan(t),cot(t).



Exercise 13.3.9:

If sin(t)=22 and cos(t)=22, find sec(t),csc(t),tan(t), and cot(t).



Evaluating Trigonometric Functions with a Calculator

We have learned how to evaluate the six trigonometric functions for the common first-quadrant angles and to use them as reference angles for angles in other quadrants. To evaluate trigonometric functions of other angles, we use a scientific or graphing calculator or computer software. If the calculator has a degree mode and a radian mode, confirm the correct mode is chosen before making a calculation.

Evaluating a tangent function with a scientific calculator as opposed to a graphing calculator or computer algebra system is like evaluating a sine or cosine: Enter the value and press the TAN key. For the reciprocal functions, there may not be any dedicated keys that say CSC, SEC, or COT. In that case, the function must be evaluated as the reciprocal of a sine, cosine, or tangent.

If we need to work with degrees and our calculator or software does not have a degree mode, we can enter the degrees multiplied by the conversion factor π180 to convert the degrees to radians. To find the secant of 30°, we could press




how to: Given an angle measure in radians, use a scientific calculator to find the cosecant

  1. If the calculator has degree mode and radian mode, set it to radian mode.
  2. Enter: 1/
  3. Enter the value of the angle inside parentheses.
  4. Press the SIN key.
  5. Press the = key.

how to: Given an angle measure in radians, use a graphing utility/calculator to find the cosecant

  1. If the graphing utility has degree mode and radian mode, set it to radian mode.
  2. Enter: 1/
  3. Press the SIN key.
  4. Enter the value of the angle inside parentheses.
  5. Press the ENTER key.

Example 13.3.10: Evaluating the Cosecant Using Technology

Evaluate the cosecant of 5π7.


For a scientific calculator, enter information as follows:



Exercise 13.3.10:

Evaluate the cotangent of π8.



Access these online resources for additional instruction and practice with other trigonometric functions.

Key Equations

Tangent function tant=sintcost
Secant function sect=1cost
Cosecant function csct=1sint
Cotangent function cott=1tant=costsint

Key Concepts

  • The tangent of an angle is the ratio of the y-value to the x-value of the corresponding point on the unit circle.
  • The secant, cotangent, and cosecant are all reciprocals of other functions. The secant is the reciprocal of the cosine function, the cotangent is the reciprocal of the tangent function, and the cosecant is the reciprocal of the sine function.
  • The six trigonometric functions can be found from a point on the unit circle. See Example.
  • Trigonometric functions can also be found from an angle. See Example.
  • Trigonometric functions of angles outside the first quadrant can be determined using reference angles. See Example.
  • A function is said to be even if f(x)=f(x) and odd if f(x)=f(x).
  • Cosine and secant are even; sine, tangent, cosecant, and cotangent are odd.
  • Even and odd properties can be used to evaluate trigonometric functions. See Example.
  • The Pythagorean Identity makes it possible to find a cosine from a sine or a sine from a cosine.
  • Identities can be used to evaluate trigonometric functions. See Example and Example.
  • Fundamental identities such as the Pythagorean Identity can be manipulated algebraically to produce new identities. See Example.
  • The trigonometric functions repeat at regular intervals.
  • The period P of a repeating function f f is the smallest interval such that f(x+P)=f(x) for any value of x.
  • The values of trigonometric functions of special angles can be found by mathematical analysis.
  • To evaluate trigonometric functions of other angles, we can use a calculator or computer software. See Example.


the reciprocal of the sine function: on the unit circle, csct=1y,y0
the reciprocal of the tangent function: on the unit circle, cott=xy,y0
statements that are true for all values of the input on which they are defined
the smallest interval P of a repeating function f such that f(x+P)=f(x)
the reciprocal of the cosine function: on the unit circle, sect=1x,x0
the quotient of the sine and cosine: on the unit circle, tant=yx,x0

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