( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)
A • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • Z
absolute maximum
absolute minimum
Absolute Value Function
algebraic function
amount of change
average rate of change
average value of a function
average velocity
change of variables
composite function
concave down
concavity test
constant multiple law for limits
constant multiple rule
Constant Rule
continuity at a point
continuity from the left
continuity from the right
continuity over an interval
critical point
cubic function
definite integral
dependent variable
derivative function
Derivative of cosecant function
Derivative of cosine function
Derivative of cotangent function
Derivative of exponential functions
Derivative of inverse cosecant function
Derivative of inverse cosine function
Derivative of inverse cotangent function
Derivative of inverse secant function
Derivative of inverse tangent function
Derivative of logarithmic functions
Derivative of secant function
Derivative of sine function
Derivative of tangent function
Derivative of the general exponential function
Derivative of the general logarithmic function
Derivative of the natural exponential function
Derivative of the natural logarithmic function
difference law for limits
difference quotient
Difference Rule
Differentiable function
differentiable on S
differential calculus
differential form
discontinuity at a point
even function
extreme value theorem
First Derivative Test
fundamental theorem of calculus
fundamental theorem of calculus, part 1
fundamental theorem of calculus, part 2
horizontal line test
hyperbolic functions
increasing on the interval I
indefinite integral
independent variable
indeterminate forms
infinite discontinuity
infinite limit
infinite limit at infinity
inflection point
initial value problem
instantaneous rate of change
instantaneous velocity
integrable function
integral calculus
Integrals of Exponential Functions
integration by substitution
Integration Formulas Involving Logarithmic Functions
Intermediate Value Theorem
intuitive definition of the limit
inverse function
inverse function theorem
inverse hyperbolic functions
inverse trigonometric functions
iterative process
limit at infinity
limit laws
linear approximation
linear function
local extremum
local maximum
local minimum
Logarithmic Function
lower sum
marginal profit
marginal revenue
mathematical model
Mean Value Theorem
Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
method of exhaustion
multivariable calculus
natural logarithm
net change theorem
net signed area
Newton’s method
odd function
optimization problems
percentage error
periodic function
points of inflection
polynomial function
population growth rate
power function
power rule
Power rule with rational exponents
product law for limits
product rule
propagated error
quotient law for limits
quotient rule
rational function
regular partition
related rates
relative error
removable discontinuity
restricted domain
Riemann sum
Rolle’s Theorem
root function
root law for limits
second derivative test
sigma notation
squeeze theorem
sum law for limits
Sum Rule
summation notation
symmetry about the origin
tangent line
tangent line approximation
The power rule for functions
total area
transcendental function
transformation of a function
trigonometric functions
trigonometric identity
upper sum
vertical asymptote
vertical line test