16.4: Stereographic projection
( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)
Consider the unit sphere Σ centered at the origin (0,0,0). This sphere can be described by the equation x2+y2+z2=1.
Suppose that Π denotes the xy-plane; it is defined by the equation z=0. Clearly, Π runs thru the center of Σ.
Let N=(0,0,1) and S=(0,0,−1) denote the "north" and "south" poles of Σ; these are the points on the sphere that have extremal distances to Π. Suppose that Ω denotes the “equator” of Σ; it is the intersection Σ∩Π.
For any point P≠S on Σ, consider the line (SP) in the space. This line intersects Π in exactly one point, denoted by P′. Set S′=∞.
The map ξsP↦P′ is called the stereographic projection from Σ to Π with respect to the south pole. The inverse of this map ξ−1sP′↦P is called the stereographic projection from Π to Σ with respect to the south pole.
The same way, one can define the stereographic projections ξn and ξ−1n with respect to the north pole N.
Note that P=P′ if and only if P∈Ω.
Note that if Σ and Π are as above, then the composition of the stereographic projections ξs:Σ→Π and ξ−1s:Π→Σ are the restrictions to Σ and Π respectively of the inversion in the sphere Υ with the center S and radius √2.
From above and Theorem 16.3.1, it follows that the stereographic projection preserves the angles between arcs; more precisely the absolute value of the angle measure between arcs on the sphere.
This makes it particularly useful in cartography. A map of a big region of earth cannot be done on a constant scale, but using a stereographic projection, one can keep the angles between roads the same as on earth.
In the following exercises, we assume that Σ, Π, Υ, Ω, O, S, and N are as above.
Show that ξn∘ξ−1s, the composition of stereographic projections from Π to Σ from S, and from Σ to Π from N is the inverse of the plane Π in Ω.
- Hint
Note that points on Ω do not move. Moreover, the points inside Ω are mapped outside of Ω and the other way around.
Further, note that this map sends circles to circles; moreover, the perpendicular circles are mapped to perpendicular circles. In particular, the circles perpendicular to Ω are mapped to themselves.
Consider arbitrary point P∉Ω. Suppose that P′ denotes the inverse of P in Ω. Choose two distinct circles that pass thru P and P′. According to Corollary 10.5.2, Γ1⊥Ω and Γ2⊥Ω.
Therefore, the inverse in Ω sends Γ1 to itself and the same holds for Γ2.
The image of P has to lie on Γ1 and Γ2. Since the image of P is distinct from P, we get that it has to be P′.
Show that a stereographic projection Σ→Π sends the great circles to plane circlines that intersect Ω at opposite points.
- Hint
Apply Theorem 16.3.1(b).
The following exercise is analogous to Lemma 13.5.1.
Fix a point P∈Π and let Q be another point in Π. Let P′ and Q′ denote their stereographic projections to Σ. Set x=PQ and y=P′Q′s. Show that
- Hint
Set z=P′Q′. Note that yx→1 as x→0.
It remains to shwo that
Recall that the stereographic projection is the inversion in the sphere Upsilon with the center at the south pole S restricted to the plane Π. Show that there is a plane Λ passing thru S,P,Q,P′, and Q′. In the plane Λ, the map Q↦Q′ is an inversion in the circle Υ∩Λ.
This reduces the problem to Euclidean plane geometry. The remaining calculations in Λ are similar to those in the proof of Lemma 13.5.1.