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Mathematics LibreTexts

1.3: Primes

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Prime Numbers - integers greater than 1 with exactly 2 positive divisors: 1 and itself.
Let n be a positive integer greater than 1. Then n is called a prime number if n has exactly two positive divisors, 1 and n.

Composite Numbers - integers greater than 1 which are not prime.

Note that: 1 is neither prime nor composite.  

There are infinitely many primes, which was proved by Euclid in 100BC.


Example 1.3.1: Method of Sieve of Eratosthenes

Examples of prime numbers are 2 (this is the only even prime number), 3,5,7,9,11,13,17,.

Method of Sieve of Eratosthenes:


The following will provide us a way to decide given number is prime. 

Theorem 1.3.1

Let n be a composite number with exactly 3 positive divisors. Then there exists a prime p such that n=p2.


Let n be a positive integer with exactly 3 positive divisors. Then two of the positive divisors are 1 and n.
Let d be the third positive divisor. Then 1<d<n and the only positive divisors of d are 1 and d.
Therefore d is prime.
Since dn, n=md,mZ+.
Since mn and 1<m<n,m=d,n=d2.
Thus, d is prime.

Theorem 1.3.2

Every composite number n has a prime divisor less than or equal to n. If p is a prime number and pn, then 1<pn.


Suppose p be the smallest prime divisor of n. Then there exists an integer m such that n=pm. Assume that p>n. Then m<n.

Let q be any prime divisor of m. Then q is also a prime divisor of n and q<m<n<p. This is a contradiction.


Example 1.3.2:

Is 223 a prime number?


The prime numbers <223 are as follows: 2,3,5,7,11, and 13. Note that 172>223.

Since 223 is not divisible by any of the prime numbers identified above, 223 is a prime number.

Exercise 1.3.3

Is 2011 a prime number?.



Theorem 1.3.3: Prime divisibility theorem

Let p be a prime number. If pab,a,bZ, then pa or pb.


Let p be a prime number and let a,bZ.  Assume that pab. If pa, we are done. So we suppose that p does not divide a. Thus gcd(a,p)=1. Thus there exists x,yZ such that 1=ax+py. Hence b=abx+pby. Since pab, ab=pm,mZ. Thus b=pmx+pby=p(mx+by). Hence, pb.


Theorem 1.3.5

There are infinitely many primes.


Proof by contradiction.

Suppose there are finitely many primes p1,p2,...,pn, where n is a positive integer. Consider the integer Q such that


Notice that Q is not prime. Hence Q has at least a prime divisor, say q. If we prove that q is not one of the primes listed then we obtain a contradiction. Suppose now that q=pi for 1in. Thus q divides p1p2...pn and as a result q divides Qp1p2...pn. Therefore q divides 1. But this is impossible since there is no prime that divides 1 and as a result q is not one of the primes listed.

The following theorem explains the gaps between prime numbers:

Theorem 1.3.5

Let n be an integer. Then there exists n consecutive composite integers.


Let n be an integer. Consider the sequence of integers (n+1)!+2,(n+1)!+3,...,(n+1)!+n,(n+1)!+(n+1)

Notice that every integer in the above sequence is composite because k divides (n+1)!+k if 2k(n+1).

Example 1.3.4:

Does there exist a block of 1000000 consecutive integers without a prime number among them?


Use 1000001! and consider 1000001!+2,,1000001!+1000001

Example 1.3.5:

Consider the formula y=x2+x+13. Then

1. Find the values y for x=1,,12. How many of these values are prime?

2. Can we conclude that this formula always generates a prime number?

Definition: Twin primes

Two prime numbers are called twin primes if they differ by 2.

Theorem 1.3.6 Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic (FTA)

Let nZ+, then n can be expressed as a product of primes in a unique way. This means

n=pn11pn22pnkk, where p1<p2<...<pk are primes.

Neither the fundamental theorem nor the proof shows us how to find the prime factors. We can use tests for divisibility to find prime factors whenever possible.

Example 1.3.6:

Find the prime factorization of

1. 252


3. 1000


1. Using divisibility tests, we can find that 252=22327


2. We can see that 2018 is divisible by 2, and 2018=2×1009. 1009 is prime (why?).

3. 1000=103=((2)(5))3=2353

Example 1.3.7:

Find the prime factorization of 1000001.


Consider 1000001=1000000+1=106+1=(102)3+13=(102+12)(104102+12)=101×9901. 101 and 9901 are prime (why?)

Example 1.3.8

Determine gcd(26×39,24×38×52) and lcm(26×39,24×38×52).


gcd(26×39,24×38×52)=24×38 (the lowest powers of all prime factors that appear in both factorizations) and lcm(26×39,24×38×52)=26×39×52 (the largest powers of each prime factors that appear in factorizations).


Note: Conjectures

Goldbach's Conjecture(1742)

Every even integer n>2 is the sum of two primes.

Goldbach's Ternary Conjecture:

Every odd integer n5 is the sum of at most three primes.

 Wilson's Theorem

Theorem 1.3.7

Let p be a prime number. Then (p1)!+1 is divisible by p.


Consider the product P=123(p1). Now, let's pair each number k from 1 to p1 with its modular inverse k1 modulo p

We know that for every k such that 1kp1, there exists a unique k1 such that kk11(modp). Moreover, these pairs will be distinct because if kk11(modp) and jj11(modp) for kj, then k=kj1 and j=jk1, implying k=j, which contradicts the distinctness of the pairs. 

Thus, we can pair each k with k1 such that the product of these pairs is congruent to 1(modp). Therefore, P(p1)!1(modp). Adding 1 to both sides gives (p1)!+10(modp), which means (p1)!+1 is divisible by p.



Fermat's Little Theorem

Theorem 1.3.8

 For any prime number p and any positive integer a such that p does not divide a, we have ap11(modp).

Euler's Theorem

Theorem 1.3.9

If a and n are relatively prime (i.e., gcd), then a^{\phi(n)} \equiv 1 \pmod{n}

The following results will help us find Euler's totient function\phi(n) for n\in \mathbb{N}.

Theorem \PageIndex{10}


1.  If p is prime then \phi(p)=p-1.

2. If p is prime and k is a positive integer then \phi(p^k)=p^k-p^{k-1}.

3. If m and n are relatively prime, then \phi(mn)=\phi(m)\phi(n).

4.  \phi(n) = n \times \prod_{p|n} \left(1 - \frac{1}{p}\right) where the product is taken over distinct prime factors p of n.


Example \PageIndex{9}

Find \phi(252).


Since 252= 2^2 3^2 7\phi(252)=(2^2-2)(3^2-3)(7-1)=72.

This page titled 1.3: Primes is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Pamini Thangarajah.

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